Dear users,
Huobi Korea has now completed the distribution of BTT holding reward in December.
Please log in to your Huobi account to view details.
The snapshot were taken at 09:00 on December 11, 2019 (GMT+8). Distribution ratio: 100.57152350005308 TRX=1 BTT (Only accounts with balances greater than or equal to 100 TRX can receive this BTT holding reward).
The rule for distribution is as follows:
Number of BTT obtained by users = [number of BTT obtained by the whole exchange] * [proportion of users’ TRX holdings (that is the number of TRX held by users / number of TRX held by the whole exchange)].
For more details, please refer to:
Announcement on Supporting BTT Reward to TRON (TRX) holders
Announcement on the Distribution of BTT Holding Rewards to TRON (TRX) holders
Thanks for your support!
Huobi Korea
December 18, 2019
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